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Welcome to the GWC Plus 'Global' Channel


GWC Upcycling Club and Watson's Malawi Partnership 

Our team of S1-S6 pupils give up their lunchtimes to restore and upcycle a variety of items and give them a new life. At the end of each month we update the Parents' Digest and the D.T.E Upcycling Club website with new items for auction. All profits are donated to the Watson's Malawi Partnership

We've put together this short video to showcase some of the fantastic projects that the team have been working on so far.  Keep an eye on the upcycling webpage and on GWC Plus for more exciting projects and get in touch if you would like to make a purchase.


TEDx Youth Global Countdown with pupils from George Watson's College

Date:    Wednesday 25th November 2020

On Wednesday 25th November 2020,  pupils from five different schools; King’s College School Wimbledon, Benenden School, Chipping Campden School, George Watson’s College, Edinburgh and Richard Taylor CE Primary School Harrogate, presented alongside leading scientists and TED Countdown talks.

These pupils have been studying the MIT Sloan Climate Interactive En-ROADS simulator and many of them included talks about their work on this, along with a special presentation from project leader,  Andrew Jones.  The pupils talked about their school's climate action and their research work.  The quality and inspiration of their presentations was phenomenal. 

The event is concluded by HRH The Duke of Cambridge, who has recently launched the 'Earthshot goals'.  TEDx Youth Global Countdown now aims to establish a climate award to support and encourage education, action and innovation which are in line with this launch. 

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