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Royal Scottish Society of Arts Success

  • Senior School

Former Pupil, Fraser Price (Class of 2023) was presented the Royal Scottish Society of Arts (RSSA) Award for gaining the highest mark in the SQA’s Advanced Higher Engineering Science examination this year.

The Award comprises a certificate marking Fraser’s achievement, the Society’s bronze medal and a book token to the value of £100.

Professor Julie Fitzpatrick, Chief Scientific Adviser for Scotland presented the prize to Fraser with Professor Gill Reid, President of the Royal Society of Chemistry (pictured at the lectern in the image below).

Head of Careers, Elodie Robert Christensen commended Fraser’s achievement and work ethic during this time at Watson’s: 

“Fraser was and continues to be an exceptionally high-achieving student who had a profound interest in all things engineering. At school, all of his teachers commented on his natural ability and flair in their subject, allowing him to achieve exceptional SQA Higher and AH results. The RSSA award is a very impressive accolade which puts him at the very top of the national cohort. Fraser's passion for learning extended well beyond the classroom as he sought opportunities to push himself academically. He took part in several super curricular endeavours such as being a part of the CANSAT team and participating in national competitions including the Cambridge Chemistry Challenge (for which he achieved a Silver Award). Fraser has the intrinsic motivation to develop a deeper understanding of engineering calculations and concepts and also has a breadth and depth of knowledge that went beyond what was expected of a school pupil, even at Advanced Higher level.”

Well done Fraser, what a superb achievement - we look forward to seeing where your engineering abilities take you in your career!

  • Former Pupil